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What are we doing?


For 30 days beginning June 1st, we will seek God personally and corporately in an effort to get closer to Him so that we may see the manifestations of a pure connection with God. For 30 Days we will set aside 30 minutes (15 minutes in the morning corporately and 15 minutes in the evening with accountability partners) to pray and meditate on God’s Word. During those 30 Days we will also fast daily from 9PM until High Noon the next day. Between fasting periods, we will eat only what is prescribed by the Daniel Fast, which will be explained in greater detail later in this document.



Beginning June 1st, we will Corporately pray and meditate on God’s Word at 6AM Daily. Calls will last for 15 minutes.


Conference Call Information


Code: 339925



Each of us are encouraged to connect with our accountability partners for 15 minutes in the evening of each day at a time we choose to pray and meditate on God’s Word.




The First 48

From Friday June 1 – Saturday June 2

The Purpose: To Intentionally Begin a Process to Kill Our Flesh. Cutting ourselves off from people, places and things that we know causes us to slip into our sinful nature.



Galatians 5:16-17

“walk by the Spirit, and you will not gratify the desires of the flesh. For the desires of the flesh are against the Spirit, and the desires of the Spirit are against the flesh, for these are opposed to each other, to keep you from doing the things you want to do”






Week 1 

Sunday June 3 –  Saturday June 9


During this week we will make an assessment of areas we need God to move in our lives as well as areas we need God’s help to overcome issues that prevent us from living Holy Lifestyles.



Week 2

Sunday June 10 –  Saturday June 16


After properly assessing our lives and finding areas of need and acknowledging failures, we will enter a week of atonement. During this time, we will do as David did in Psalm 51:10 and ask God to “Create in us a Clean Heart and Renew in us a Right Spirit.”




Week 3

Sunday June 17 – Saturday June 23


Matthew 6:33 says “But seek ye first the kingdom of God, and his righteousness; and all these things shall be added unto you.” Our goal for week three is to align ourselves with the Will of God so that we may set ourselves up for maximum blessings and a greater understanding of our purpose.



Week 4

Sunday June 24 – June 30


As our thirty days draw to a close, it is important that we move forward with with a greater sense of purpose. This week will seek God concerning our individual and corporate assignments and ask for strength as resources to help us accomplish what He asks us to do.



What is fasting?


Fasting is a natural discipline that can bring supernatural results. It is abstaining from something like food, drink or entertainment for a period of time to create some type of benefit in body, mind or spirit. 


What type of fast will we be doing?


There are many types of fasts, which include the Standard Fast (water only), the Absolute Fast (no water or food), and the Partial Fast (restrict certain food and drink categories). For 30 Days, we will be doing a Daniel Fast as we search for healing and breakthrough in our mind, body, and spirit.


What is a Daniel Fast?


The Daniel Fast is based upon the prophet Daniel’s dietary and spiritual experiences as recorded in the Book of Daniel in the Bible. It’s a partial fast that focuses very heavily on vegetables and other healthy whole foods, but leaves out any animal sources of protein.


The Daniel Fast is specifically referenced in the Bible in two sections of the Book of Daniel: Daniel 1:12, which states, “Please test your servants for ten days, and let them give us vegetables [pulses] to eat and water to drink.” and Daniel 10: 2-3, which says, “In those days I, Daniel, was mourning three full weeks. I ate no pleasant food, no meat or wine came into my mouth, nor did I anoint myself at all, till three whole weeks were fulfilled.”



Daniel Fast: Food List



 • Water only — it must be purified/filtered; spring or distilled water is best

 • Homemade almond milk, coconut water, coconut kefir and vegetable juice



 • Fresh or cooked

 • May be frozen and cooked but not canned


Fruits (consume in moderation 1–3 servings daily)

 • Fresh and cooked

 • May be dried but should not contains sulfites, added oils or sweeteners

 • May be frozen but not canned



Whole grains

 • Brown rice, oats quinoa, millet, amaranth, buckwheat, barley cooked in water


Beans & Legumes 

 • Dried and cooked in water

 • May be consumed from can as long as no salt or other additives are contained.




Foods to Avoid

During the Daniel Fast, you should not consume any of the other foods or beverages listed below. And, I want to mention that on the Daniel Fast some allow sea salt or Himalayan salt and others do not. My recommendation is to only use a bit of sea salt when necessary in flavoring dishes. Here are foods you definitely want to refrain from eating:


Iodized salt, Sweeteners, Meat, Dairy products, Breads, pasta, flour, crackers, Cookies and other baked goods, Oils, Juices, Coffee, Energy drinks, Gum, Mints, Candy


NOTE: Nutritional supplements are optional. If any are taken while on the fast, then they would preferably be in line with the accepted foods/ingredients that are listed.




A Pastor’s Prayer

God our sole mission in life is to please you. We have sinned and fallen short of your Glory so many times. But over and over again, you’ve lifted us. We owe you so much more than we’ve been giving you. So before we ask you for anything else, we ask that you help us get closer to you so that we can live lives that exemplify your power and goodness. We want to be the lights that shine in a dark world. Father help us as we embark on this journey of forever change.

In Jesus’ Name I Pray… Amen


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